The History of Native American Tattoos
The rich culture and history of all the Native American tribes has included tattoo art over the centuries. The reasons and rituals are as varied as tribes that inhabited North America.
Tattoos were used to distinguish tribes, to mark the killing of an enemy and to mark a woman telling where she is from. Some American tribes believed that the markings on their bodies gave them supernatural powers and strength.
Some tribes believed that tattoos were required to get into the afterlife. The tattoo artists used sharpened bones from turtles or fish to inject natural dyes and pigments into the skin.
Haida tattoos are another form of tribal tattoos originating in the northwest coast area of the American continent. Haida tattoos are worn by men and women of the native Indian tribes. (see picture of a Haida Bird to the left)
Two of the most well known tribes for having tattoos were the Cree and the Iroquois. The Cree men were famous for having their whole bodies inked with the animals they hunted and the animal spirits they worshiped. They were a nomadic tribe, and hunting was a big part of their culture. The Cree women were limited to simple tattoos on their face.
The Iroquois seemed to focus their tattoos on their success in battles. The men would have crosshatches on their faces displaying their successful conflicts, and they would make small marks on their thighs to indicate how many kills they had. Iroquois women tattooed for decorative and for practical purposes. They felt that tattoos could heal certain aliments.
Native American Indian Tattoo Pictures Gallery
Native American Haida Tattoo Pictures Gallery
Native American Haida Tattoo Meanings
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