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The History of Sailor Tattoos

The History of Sailor Tattoos Tattoo History and Sailor Tattoos: Sailors from the west first encountered tattoos when they began to discover the Polynesian Islands. In 1595, the Spanish explorer Mendana first came across the Marquesas Islands and saw this strange body art. But it was almost two centuries in the 1700s when European sailors began to write about and describe tattoos.

These sailors began to spread the idea of tattoos and popularize them with the western world. It became common practice for sailors and fisherman to copy these designs they saw in their travels. It is suggested that tattoos became really popular with American men in 1909 when the United States Navy adopted a rule that kept men with “obscene” tattoos from serving in the navy. This rule created a huge increase in the number of tattoos of naked women. If the men eventually decided that they wanted to serve in the military, they would have to go back to their sailor tattoo artist and have some clothes inked onto their naked women.

There is a rich tradition and history of tattooing amongst sailors and fisherman. Tattoo meanings followed along with various nautical accomplishments and superstitions. For example, a sailor would get a tattoo of a pig on the top of one foot and a rooster on the top of another foot. It was thought that since neither animal can swim, the animal representations would want to get back to shore as quickly as possible.

Therefore, the body art would protect the sailor from drowning. Other simpler tattoo designs include an anchor to symbolize the sailing of the Atlantic Ocean; or a shellback turtle to indicate the crossing of the equator; or a golden dragon to show that he had crossed the international date line. Sailor tattoos were very popular.

Sailor Jerry

The History of American Tattoos - Sailor Jerry Sailor Jerry is an American tattoo artist icon who made his reputation performing his tattoo art on sailors and many others over the years. His real name was Norman Keith Collins. He was born in Northern California in 1911 and became a drifter as a child. Sailor Jerry hopped trains, and traveled the country when he learned tattoo art from a guy in Palmer, Alaska. He enlisted in the Navy, and traveled the world's oceans where he was introduced to the tattoo styles and techniques of Southeast Asia. He especially took to the art form as presented by the Horis of Japan.

The Japanese tattoo masters inspired an attention to detail that was unmatched. Sailor Jerry's attention to detail was so good that people would comment on the accuracy of the rigging in his nautical tattoos. Sailor Jerry also developed new colors in the brand of his own color safe pigments. He developed his own needles that created much less trauma to the skin. And he was one of the first to adopt hospital grade sterilization practices and single use needles.

After his stint in the navy, he set up shop in Honolulu, Hawaii where he cemented his legacy as a true tattoo master. Some of his more popular tattoo designs included snakes, nautical stars, weapons and the infamous “Aloha” monkey.

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