Tribes of Borneo Tattoos and Their Meanings
Traditional Borneo tribal tattoos are thick black spirals and circles similar to what we call “tribal tattoo” in the modern western world today. However, the original Borneo tribal tattoo was focusing on nature designs like animals, trees, fruits, and leaves.
In Borneo, tribal tattoos are found on men as well as women and vary in meaning. Tattoos on women symbolize marital status or fertility as well as her profession or skills. Young men receive their first tattoo when they reach puberty, symbolizing the beginning of manhood.
Tribal tattoos in Borneo also symbolize major events in a person's life, life history, or spiritual meanings and protection by a god. While the traditional tribal tattoo of Borneo was almost extinct in the 50's and 60's, when most people in Borneo converted to Christianity, now a new trend can be observed where young people in Borneo turn back to these traditional tattoos and their meanings.
Many of the modern so called “tribal” tattoos, which are very popular among young people, have their origin in the tribal tattoos of Borneo and while many of them are not associated with a specific meaning, but solely serve the purpose of decorating the body, a tribal tattoo might have a very special meaning for the individual wearing it.
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