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The Meaning of the Japanese Samurai Tattoo

The Meaning of the Japanese Samurai Tattoo

The Samurai is probably one of the most prominent figures in the Japanese history. A samurai is a Japanese warrior, fearless, strong, and disciplined to the extreme, ready to give his life for the Japanese culture at any time.

The meaning of the samurai tattoo design is honor and justice, strength and fearlessness, discipline and willingness to fight for your believes.

The Japanese samurai tattoo also symbolizes masculinity. In Japanese history the samurai was instructed to observe a strict moral code of principles called “Bushido”, which means “The Way of the Warrior”.

In modern times Samurai tattoo designs are very popular among practitioners of the martial arts around the world. Samurai tattoos are often seen in combination with Kanji symbols representing the Bushido laws. The meaning of a samurai tattoo is loyalty, honor, and fearlessness.

Living life in the moment, to the fullest, and valuing the highest principles of Bushido.

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