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Meaning of the Rose Tattoo

The Meaning of the Rose Tattoo

The rose tattoo is another old school, or traditional tattoo designs which has gained in popularity among the tattoo community over the decades, and just like the heart tattoo is often seen in combination with a dagger, skulls, swallow, or a banner that reads “MOM”, “MOTHER”, or any other name on it.

The meaning of the rose tattoo can be love, beauty, passion, or emphasize true love. The meaning of the old school rose tattoo is very similar to the Lotus flower tattoo we know from Japanese tattoo designs.

A very essential part of the old school rose tattoo is the color of the rose, which can differ in meaning quite a bit.

For Example:
Red Rose Tattoo: Red roses symbolize love.
Yellow Rose Tattoo: The yellow rose tattoo symbolizes jealousy, devotion, or friendship.
Blue Rose Tattoo: Fantasy and impossibility are the meanings of a blue rose tattoo, since the blue rose does not exist in nature.
Black Rose Tattoo: The meaning of a black rose tattoo is in most cases death.
White Rose Tattoo: The color white symbolizes innocence, purity, or means youth.
Pink Rose Tattoo: The pink rose tattoo means grace and elegance.
Purple Rose Tattoo: The purple rose tattoo means love at first sight.

These are only a few examples of the meaning of the various colors of traditional old school rose tattoos, however, the true meaning of a rose tattoo and it's color is certainly always up to the wearer of the tattoo.

Anything goes! If you just like a purple rose tattoo for it's look, but can't connect to it's official meaning, don't worry! Get the tattoo YOU LIKE!

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